BASP Consulting


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Publications and conferences
1) IP/SOC 2009 Embedded Symmetric MultiProcessing system on a SoC with 1.6GHz PowerPC IP in 45nm (pdf)
IP/ESC 2009 IP & Embedded System Conference Dec 1-3, 2009 - Grenoble
2)IP/SOC 2006 RAID6 accelerator in a PowerPC IOP SOC (pdf)
3)IP/SOC 2004 A PowerPC SOC IO Processor for RAID applications (pdf)
4)INTERTRONIC 2003 Evolution de la technologie des puces et de l'architecture des systèmes 25-28 mars 03 Paris
5) Entretiens Technologie 2000 ZISC a Neural Network chip - G Boudon - 2000 Brussels
5) ASPROM 99 Les Processeurs PowerPC et le SOI - G Boudon -- Journées SOI - ASPROM- Paris 27 Oct 99 (pdf)
6) IBM MicroNews journal A High-Performance Dual PCI Bridge for PowerPC™ with 100 MHz Bus and PC-100 SDRAM (pdf) -- G Boudon, C Sitbon, H Mougel IBM MicroNews Second Quarter 1999, Vol. 5, No. 2
7) RTS'98 Decoupling allows High performance data transmission between PCI and VME64 busses G Boudon, C Sitbon, H Mougel -- RTS'98 Real Time Systems conference and exhibition - Paris Jan 15,98
8)PCI Europe 98 AVIGNON-100: a high perf dual PCI bridge for PowerPC with 100 MHz bus and PC-100 SDRAM G Boudon, C Sitbon, H Mougel - PCI Europe 98 Symposium - Paris Oct 5,98
9) PCI Europe 96 An experimental PowerPC Embedded controller with PCI bus G Boudon, P Hans, J Rota-Biesdorf, C Zydek, JM Petillat PCI Europe 96 Symposium - Paris Oct 15,96
10) VITA Europe 96 ALMA a highly programmable PCI to VMEbus bridge G Boudon, C Sitbon, H Mougel, F Bredin, C Delapchier, G Vanneuville VITA Europe congress 96 - Oct 7-9 1996 Brussels (pdf)
11) Entretiens Technologie 96 Evolution des Microprocesseurs - G Boudon Les 5eme Entretiens de la Technologie - Mars 1996 - centrale Paris
12)CEBIT 94 PowerPC Embedded processor Solutions - G Boudon - CEBIT 94 Corporate lecture - Hannover March 94
IEEE Publications & Conferences
1) SOC 2004 A 800 MHz PowerPC SOC with PCI-X DDR266, DDRII-667, and RAID assist -- Boudon G; Wall A; Foster J; Wolford B; Fakiris J SOC Conference, 2004. 12-15 Sept. 2004 (pdf)
2) 1991 Sym on VLSI Circuits A Merged Bi-CMOS Gate Array With Emitter Follower Buffers - G Boudon and al (pdf)
3) CICC 1991 A BiCMOS circuit family for a 0.45 µm CMOS/BiCMOS sea of gates - G Boudon and al (pdf)
4) IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, April 1991 Multiemitter BiCMOS logic circuit family - Boudon G; Mollier P; Ong I; Nuez, J.-P; Mauchauffee D; Plassat, D; Simonet J.-L; Wallart, F
5) 1990 Symposium on VLSI Circuits Multi-emitter BiCMOS logic circuit family - G Boudon and al (pdf)
6) Bipolar Circuits and Technology Meeting, 1989 Full-swing complementary BiCMOS logic circuits - Shin, H.J; Chen, C.-L; Johnson, E.D; Taur, Y; Ramaswamy, S; Boudon, G (pdf)
7) ICCD '89 Internal ECL-BiCMOS translator circuits in half micron technology- G Boudon and al
8) IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, Oct. 1988 A 20 K CMOS array with 200-ps gate delay - Boudon, G; Mollier, P; Nuez, J.-P; Wallart, F; Bhattacharyya, A; Ogura, S
9) ISSCC 1988 A 20k CMOS Array With 200ps Gate Delay - G Boudon & al
10) IEEE COMP EURO 87 Benefits of an Architecture Implementation; CPU and Cache Complex; for High Performance; in a Very Large Chip - G Boudon, Y Yamour
11) ISSCC 1987 A 30ns-32b programmable Arithmetic operator - G Boudon and al (pdf)